Friday, February 18, 2011

The Doctor will see you now...

In honor of the Gallifrey One Con this weekend, here is the first Doctor Who girl, who is proudly representing for my long time fave, number five.

I will not be attending the con because...well, I am lazy and it's cold and rainy and I just want to sit on the couch and read a book this weekend. But if you are going, send my regards to Peter Davison, the fifth doctor (and All Creatures Great and Small’s Tristian!) who I have adored for lo, these many years. 

Miss Five here is wearing the good Doctor’s hat and a tattoo reminiscent of detail on his coat. Of course, she would never leave the galaxy without her celery...her pants are another story.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valiumtines Day!

Personally, I am a fan. I like pink, I like red, I like hearts (both anatomical and graphic), I like candy and cupids and all that stuff. I don’t insist on gifts of diamonds or roses, but I do insist on a card. Handmade is preferable, but being a lazy person, I do not object to fueling the Hallmark beast because, let’s be honest, card designers need to make a living too. You can tell me that you don’t need a holiday to tell the people you love how you feel...but I bet they’d like it if you did anyway.

May cause dizziness, swooning and heart palpitations indeed.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bee Mime.

It’s the subtle differences that are important.

I happen to love Valentine’s Day. Not for any particular reason. I just like hearts and candy and pink and red. And bees.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Bunny Year!

It is Chinese New Year and while I am not Chinese, I am all for happy, new and rabbits. So Happy Year of the Fluffy Bunny!