For the past ten years or so, I’ve made a Christmas/winter music mix as a kind of Christmas card for friends. Every year I think I am out of new music or that people aren’t interested and then someone asks when it’s coming and I get all giddy. I love Christmas music, secular or religious, happy or sad, i like it all. Holiday music, or really just “winter” music. And I make a cd cover for the mix. Almost every year I draw a snowman (there was at least one year, an early one, where it was a tree...oh and a few years ago it was a cardinal) but this year i wanted something different. So here. Happy Christmas. I’d give you the music too, but I can’t quite figure out the best way to do it. Spotify is refusing to play nice and I’ve really got to go. Presents to wrap and all that. Hope you have a happy and safe whatever you chose to celebrate!